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Billy (Yichi) Zhang

About me

I'm a senior student pursuing a B.A in computer science at UC Berkeley.

I come from China. China is cool. The United States is cool. Everything is cool. But what's especially cool is noodles from my hometown Suzhou. Ramen is good enough for me though.

I love to play the piano in my leisure time and I play nearly nothing other than classical music. I also love listening to classical piano music because symphonies alike are still lullabies for me.

I like Japanese culture. I also love how they treat life as if it doesn't really matter. That's both depressing and inspiring. I wish I can live like that.

I prefer tea to coffee. After trial and error for almost 8 years, I have convinced myself that coffee is just not my thing. The fact that it contains bitterness is undefeatable - not even with a lot of milk and sugar and honey and chocolate and tea. As a result I now drink coffee only when I need some human battery, and I only drink espresso because 长痛不如短痛 (<- hover to see translation).

I also play video games. I entered Monster Hunter last year and I love it very much. Second to that is Overwatch, which is a dead game. Apart from these two, most of the games I play happens with another friend, and the game is just a means to fortify bond between me and my friends. StarCraft 2, Overcooked 2, Civilization 5 & 6.

I explore myself in unexpected ways. I have been trying to restrain my drinking of water, which became kind of beneficial when I was travelling in Egypt - although it is very hot and dry, since I drink less than others, I bring less water. I also tried not to eat for days: it was not successful and I could not resist my hunger during the 36th hour.

I use Arch Linux!

Tonight, we celebrate, by pacman -Syu. Tomorrow, we pacman -Syu.

Billy Zhang

My various (possibly uninteresting) accounts:
Platform Identifier
Email billyzyc65535@gmail.com
Telegram @MCer4294967296
GitHub MCer4294967296
Battle.net MCer65535 #1652
Steam MCer4294967296
Wechat zyc65535

Why not click around if you are a nice person and want to mess around occasionally?

My Master's Thesis on a Simulator and Benchmark for the RingWorld protocol, a new concensus protocol with a ring-based topology for datacenters.
Narrow, a protocol that aims to eliminate DDoS when EI is deployed
TLDR, an event-sourced system based on the Ray actor model
A cloud firewall system for a novel alternative architecture for the cloud datacenters
gomoku.io, a barebone online gomoku website I wrote

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About you

You are cool.

Very likely to be at least as cool as I am.

But also possibly not. Very Few people drop in this category though.

Do you want to chat with me? I welcome random English and Chinese speakers on telegram.

Do you want to play with me? I am plat on Overwatch; I love long swords on Monster Hunter World.

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